Week 13: Project Developments

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This week I have created a shortlist for my animation. I have carried out a research too see which elements I should include.


What is a shot list

A shot list is a document that maps out exactly what will occur and what will be used in that particular shot, or scene, of the film. It serves as a detailed checklist that gives the video a sense of direction

How to make a shot list

organizing your shots based on the shot location. Group similar shots makes it easier to shoot because you are able to film everything you need at one given time. It’s important to note that this may not necessarily be in order of shot number.

Type of shots

Decide what kind of shot you’ll be filming. In addition to the type of shot, the camera angles and camera moves should be specified.

It usually includes:

Shot number: the reference number assigned to each individual shot. 
Shot description: a short description of the action and/or dialogue. 
Shot size: how big or small the subject is in the frame. 
Shot type: the camera angle, or how the camera frames the subject. 
Movement: how the camera does (or doesn’t) move within the shot. For example: StaticPanTiltDollyZoom, etc.
Sound: how the sound and/or dialogue are captured. 

I have after started creating my shot list in excel including all these elements and applied them to my short animation and I also included a gifs of the different shots as well. I order to keep everything organised I have also created a drop down list where I would be able to edit if I haven’t started or I am working on or even completed a shot.

This is the link to the shot list I have created:


Fishing rod controls

This week I have also added few controls to the fishing rod to facilitate the animation

Animatic Sound

This week I also added some sounds to the animation I have created last week. I have used some sound I have found on adobe stock which I think fit perfectly to what I had in mind for the animation sound design: I have downloaded song which included sounds that worked as a sound effect conveying emotions through instruments. I have imported them in after effects along with the animatic and synced the images to the sounds making use of the audio levels keys to make sounds fade in and out.

Animation Test

In order to get used to all the controls and to get a better understanding of how I am going to animate the characters and all the props I carried out an animation testing of the fisherman throwing the bait out in the water.

These two videos are to excerpts I have found on youtube which I have used as reference for the arm/hand/body movement that fishermen do when throwing a bait: At fist I thought they throw the fishing rod with both hands backwards and after forward into the water with an elaborate movement, however this moments is very subtle as it can be seen in the videos, so I have tried to recreate it in the animation.

I have fist imported all the assets in the scene and I have edited the boat as a collider in the boss editor so that the water would react to it

I first worked on stepped keys to block the animation poses

In order to make the props moving along with the character without positioning them every time I have parented them to the character controls

I have also created a camera and frame the scene using the a grid to position everything.

For the boat floating movements I have created different animation layers each corresponding to a different movement.

This is the playblast video of all the poses. I have saved the keys following the hierarchy of the controls chain, starting from the root control all the way to the arms. Moreover in each key I have saved I have selected each control and saved them each time I created a new pose.

Afterwards I have turned the stepped keys into splines and correct some curves

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