This is a to do list we came up with to accomplish before we meet for our next project meeting:

During this week’s meeting the team members from VR showed us the environment we are going to use for the game and also we saw the models I have done for the seagulls in unity too to have an idea of how they will look like.
We also covered the following point:
- Adding cell shading for the overall look
- The models we should make (for instance I thought I could ask for the age and the range movements of the baby model we have to include according to the script)
- The script was finalised and so I am able now to finish the storyboard: we thought that we could have a traditional drawn storyboard and we can also create one in VR (next week we are planning to book a VR booth Esme and Callum and I to create them using the traditional one as a reference). Moreover the script they have created included more detailed descriptions of movements so it will be easier for creating the animations.
- The player will have the seagull wings, being one of them as well but we won’t need the whole wing model but only a small part (the feathers/fingers) so I can create them starting from the original wing mesh.
- We also decided to have real voices for the seagulls. We will record the seagulls voices before we start animation.