previs- layout and shot list

while putting together the fact I was going to include in the animation I came across the final from loving vincent which I found very inspiring and I thought I could find some other fact to end my animation this effectively. “In the 8 years between starting to paint and his death Vincent painted over 800 paintings, only one of which was sold in his lifetime.he was posthumously proclaimed the father of modern art.” (from loving Vincent)

I was planning on adding a letter roll up animation at the beginning so I found this trial which could help me create one.

I have experimented with different textures too but I ended up using a scratched paper texture to add a old letter effect to it.

camera shake

Since the camera is going to be almost “alive” following the character in each action I thought I could add a camera shake to simulate a cameraman holding the camera. I did this by adding an expression to the horizontal and vertical camera shake.

cameraShape1.horizontalShake = noise(frame*.05)*.03;

cameraShape1.verticalShake = noise(frame*.05)*.03;

In order to plan my animation I have created a previs animation which also helped me in terms of creativity: when posing the characters I have thought of new transitions between scene that did not came to be in the previous steps of the project.

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