animation rendering test style

In the past few weeks I have been working mainly in the viewport while texturing the scenes. In order to get the rendering of colour that I wanted to use I have set the light system to flat lighting. However, in the Arnold render view it would not appear in the same way since they had a standard surface applied to them. To get a similar effect to the one of flat light I have applied an aitoon shader and applied a ramp to the tonemap to get some shadows and shades off the assets and to make the overall colours of the objects appear more vibrant. The ramp in the tonemap will also allow me to get some subtle shadows with a colour of my choice.

(How the mesh appear in the viewport)

(rendered image)

This is an example of how the sunflowers looked in the viewport before and after the aitoon shader was applied.

After the aitoon shader and the ramp in the tonemap

While texturing the character though, the surface in the viewport would go completely black while still appearing fine in the render view. This would only cause a problem when animating the character face since I would not be able to see his expressions. but when referencing the model in new scene this problem will not happen since the model will all turn dark grey.

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