week 24: head modeling part 2

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I have created the definite pair of eyes which would be composed by the cornea, which would be transparent and the actual eye which will have the texture with the iris and the pupil

final eye:

I have also made the inside of the mouth

starting from a new polygon mesh I have shaped the brows as well as the moustache according to the reference picture

starting from a cube and adding subdivisions I have modelled the beard on half face first and afterwards I have mirrored it.

For the hair I have duplicated the mesh of the head and started building the shape from there:

for the ear I have extruded some faces and built it from there to create the external shape and continued to extrude inward to create the ear.

How the head mesh looked at that point:

The faces were not distributed evenly on the mesh and in order to add detail and to improve the overall shape I have added a few edge loops

both the eyes and the ear at that point were not correct: the way I had moved the vertices around in the preview mode were not correct; the ear conformation was wrong too. For both I deleted some edges so that I could start again.

After I have corrected the mistakes:

for the character clothes I have followed a similar process: have the faces distributed evenly on the surface and always try to keep the faces with four edges.

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