Storyboard update

Miro board link:

During the break we had during summer I have been creating the assets that I will be needing for the animation as well as the character, I have also been consulting some sources as well attending to some events related to Van Gogh and his life. Because all of this I have decided to revisit the storyboard adding some ideas and some transitions: at first I thought that in order to share the information on either the artist or his artworks I would create some letters resembling those that the artist himself made and which are a huge contribution to what we know about him nowadays. However, the way I originally inserted them into the animation made them a bit repetitive and would create problems in terms of the information shared and the writhing which would be to small and that would make audience loose interest. After going to the Vang Gogh experience (see this post I was really captivated by the way they transitioned from the real coloured painting to the sketch he made in his letters: so, according to this I have thought I could transition from the 3D painting to the 2D sketch to share the informations about his works and his life to make it more visually interesting.

This is the up dated version of the storyboard:

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