Starry Night model

In order to start modeling the starry night painting I first looked for some online references of other artist that attempted this. This 3D version of the painting is going to be shown at the end of the animation and has to fit with the rest of the animation style. As it is now I have thought about two ways with which I could interpret the painting: model it or using camera projection from a drawing that I will make to follow the style of the animation. I will try both and see which one works better.

The following are some examples of other artist who revisited the painting in 3D:

A Korean 2D & 3D motion graphic designer – Kim Gryun has shared his amazing work which inspired by Vincent Van Gogh. He selected ‘Van Gogh’s Bedroom at Arles’ and ‘The Starry Night’ to make a realistic rendering with Octane Render in Cinema 4d and some post production with After Effect. As you can see in the video the sky which is the less realistic part is slightly moving which is something I would like to incorporate in my model.

Vincent Van Gogh’s Starry Night Painting turned into a VR diorama. what I like from this interpretation are the bright particles in the sky which give a “magical” vibe and vibrancy to the whole artwork.

The interesting thing about this artwork is the use of perspective that the artist made as well as the fact that the stars and the moon in the sky are painted as independent parts. The colour rendering is also very nice since the artist added some grain to add a halo on the artwork

The work by this artist is interesting as well: each main section of the painting has been separated from the rest to create depth and movement to the artwork, in my case I could create a 2D artwork inspired by the painting and separate the different parts to create perspective as well since that the camera will not have to navigate through the artwork oppositely to the other artworks in the animation.

sky motion effects

I thought I would start by creating the 3D assets as part of the composition just like I did for the other paintings.

I started out with the tree model from a cone polygon and adding subdivisions and tying to simulate the tree shape.

Afterwards I have applied the texture as well.

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