week 15: Project developments

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This week I have started animating the shots using the shot list I have created as a guide.

The first thing I did was to import every prop and the characters in the scene.

I after parented the fishing rod to the hand control the hat to the head control and the character to the boat to make it follow the boat moments when it floats in the water.

The animation process I have followed is the following:

Create the main key poses according to the action, and consequently the timing in which the action itself takes place. The stepped keys also help me plan the movements by establishing the main poses and their silhouette.

I after convert the stepped keys into linear keys to add some in-between. Linear tangents create an animation curve as a straight line before the key so that if I wanted to create some new keys I would create them in the exact middle of the tangents.

Once I was happy with the keys I would convert them into Auto. An Auto In Tangent compares the current keyframe value to the previous keyframe value, and flattens the curve segment if it travels above or below those keyframe values. A spline tangent rounds the animation curve smoothly before the key

As for the boat movement, I tried to match the waves automatically created by the boss editor to match the moments of the boat. However at first I probably saved to many close keys with different and abrupt movements, so the boat movements were not syncing with the water waves

Here I have adjusted the key movement

Shot 2

For the second shot I first block the main poses with stepped keys as well. Even though I haven’t set the camera yet I know which angle would it be and how close the camera will be to the character. Here the face expressions are essential to convey the character distress so the brows and the moustache rotation and position as well as major body moments were something I particularly considered.

Timing here was essential to get the character feeling, to I tried to get the right pauses and take time to show his emotion clearly.

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