Week 14: Project Developments

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This week I have worked on a walk animation for the fisherman. Even though he won’t walk during the animation I thought that creating one would give me a better idea of how to frame and identify his personality which will have a big impact on the overall animation. In the walk I also added some props such as the fishing rod and the bucket where he supposedly puts the fishes (when he manages to catch any). I consider the fishing rod as the secondary character for this animation, as a sidekick even, aiding the protagonist as they work to achieve a goal (catch any fish), overcome an antagonist (an apparent big fish difficult to catch), or undergo necessary internal development. The mood I tried to achieve for him is grumpy but comic, funny and laughable at the same time since he is quite small and even his clothes are a bit over size for him. I would like fro the audience to emphasise with him and his struggles to a catch a fish.

I have playblast a the animation from side, front and 3/4 point of view which I will edit together for the final process video for the project.


In the different rendered frames I have created in Maya so far I have noticed that the texture especially for the clothes of the character seems to be pixelated so I am planning onto edit the texture in substance painter to get a better result as well as increasing the sampling in the camera settings.

the rendered picture as it is now


For the overall animation process I am noticing that the timing is one of the biggest issues I am encounting throughout the process: since animation is a time-based medium, developing a good sense of timing is very important to creating good animation. Timing is what gives meaning to the motion. The speed at which things happen affect the perception of the scene and give it mood.

Timing has a huge role to play in how your animation will look like. If your timing is really fast or slow, too linear or too long, the overall animation will end up looking unrealistic. Timing is dependent on speed and you can interpret someone’s current state with it. Which is why in the future for the animation I will try to record myself and use it as a reference.

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