Week 12: Bed Model

This week I have started to model the bed from the painting for the project

I have started by importing the image of the painting as a reference

I have started by modelling the bed head starting from a cube adding some subdivision levels and selected the vertices to shape it. In the whole process I have switched between low and high resolution (1,3 key) to check that the volume was not collapsing.

In order to add volume to it I have extruded some faces on both sides

After I have mirrored the bed head and made it bigger for the other part which would be the other corresponding to where the pillows are.

To create the blanket and the pillows I have followed this videos tutorials that I have found on youtube and took inspiration from them.

I also created the side of the bed from a cube and used the insert edge loop to add subdivisions

I also bevelled the corners to made rounder corners and mirrored it to the other side

I after created the the mattress by scaling up a cube and bevelling the edges of the corners

I also started experimenting with the blanket shape and model using the nCloth simulation: simulates a wide variety of dynamic polygon surfaces. For example, nCloth is flexible enough to simulate all the following surfaces: fabric clothing, inflating balloons, shattering surfaces, and deformable objects.

So I have created a plane increased the subdivisions levels and added the cloth simulation to it. I have also created a passive colliders from the bed polygons mesh in my scene and have it passively interact with nCloth. I played the simulation with the plane starting from a tilted position on top of the bed and waited for it to fall on it and decide the shape. I after duplicated it and deleted the history of it to keep the final shape.

For the pillows I have scaled a cube very thin and increased the subdivisions levels and applied the cloth to it. This time I edited the gravity of the effect to be very low so that it would not collapse and played the simulation on the timeline choose a key where the mesh had a “natural” pillow shape, I duplicated it, deleted the history and positioned it on the bed.

Initial stage of the whole model:

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