Week 6: Projects Development

Miro board link with project pipeline:


This week I had a 1 to 1 with my lecture and he suggested that I blended more the darker parts of the skin to the brighter ones. So I have imported the model in Procreate, an app which recently offers the option, once imported, to paint 3D models using a UV map. 

Final result of the texture where I blended more the colours.

Uv map with the texture

Rigging the cat

After adding the texture to the model I rigged it. I have found this video which covers the basic of a cat rig following cats skeleton structure:

I have started from the root joint and continued rigging the tale of the cat

I after continued rigging from the root joint the spine and the head

After I started rigging the legs and the forelegs

I organised the outliner

Final rig

I then added the IK handles for the legs one to make the “knee” and one for the upper part bending the opposite way both for the forelegs and rear legs

I also rigged the ears since they are going to add expressiveness to the model and the animation

Added the controls with nurb circles for the main movements of the model

Fisherman Rig:

For the body rig I have done a research for some videos and I followed the following one as a starting point since I have never rigged a human body

I have used the mixiamo website to rig the model by exporting the fbx file of the model into the website and assigning to the rig the chin position the wrist the elbows the knees and groin of the character to start build the structure from

I after imported the rig into Maya and binded the skin to the rig using the following options

The model did not many problem with the mesh after it was binded except for the arms joints which had an influence on the head and the ears as well so I skin weighted this part to correct it.

I also focused on the brows and moustache for the skin weight which will add to the expressions of the character

I after created the controls that will help the animation

This is a close-up of the face controls

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