Week 6: Project development process

The game is going to feature a child crying since that the seagulls stole the ice cream

I have used a model from the University library to animate

Since that the movement is going to be looped I created a second long animation with a very emphasised action showing how much the child is disappointed and sad about not having ice cream. I have also made him point to a direction since that, in the game, he is going to call his dad to tell him that the seagulls stole the ice cream.

This week I have also created a grab animation for the player wing to complete the actions in the game

Esme added more joint to the legs rig to create walk circles and also integrated a knee pole using the pole vector constraint; she also included in the attributes of the feet roll controls and toes roll control so that the paws could roll as well which will facilitate a walk cycle. She shared the new rig with me and I after binded the mesh to it.

After binding the skin I started do the skin weight concentrating on the legs first: part of the leg joint influenced the body as well so I made sure that it did not happen.

After I focused on the wings starting from the base making sure that they did not have any influence on the body

Regarding the fingers/feathers of the model I edit the influential of each individual feather focusing especially on the thumb and index to make them separated. To be much more detailed I selected the individual vertices of the feathers mesh and flood the skin weight

I then checked if everything was working fine with the rigs and I noticed that the set driven keys I had previously created weren’t working anymore so I created them back:

first for the fingers to make them curl separately

then for the bottom beak to making it close and also for the eyelids to create an eye blink

Export into Unity experimentation

When exporting the rigged model at first that was the result however that was due to the fact that the history of the mesh was not deleted. However, after figuring this out the mesh was showing but it wasn’t attaching to the rig but the animation existed in the Unity file. Esme did a test export with an animated boney character and that worked. So she replicated the outliner the structure of the groups and replicated it for the seagulls. Then baked the animation onto the rig group, and the animation has to be created on an animation layer as well.

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