Week 3: Basic green screen removal – Basic Maya lighting tips – Shot set up and lighting

Basic green screen removal

After downloading a video of a person acting in front a green screen and a picture to use as a background, I imported them into nuke and merged them with a merge node. I after used a Primate node to remove the green screen. Basically, Primatte segments all the colors in the foreground image into one of four separate categories. The result is a spill suppressed foreground image and a matte which is used to apply the modified foreground to a suitable background. Primatte works in 3D RGB color space.

This is the result video:

Basic Maya lighting tips

The integration of an object into a real life environment requires the virtual camera to be matched to the “real-world” camera that takes the original video.

Maya light match for shots

Basic lighting set up

First create a grey ball and put it in the middle of the scene

Create a skydome: edit the intensity of the skydome light: the grey ball darker colours should mack the darker colour of the scene and the lighter colours should match the lighter colour in the scene.

Turn camera for the skydome to 0 otherwise the render would be white

I first edited the lighting drastically to after turn it down

I then assigned a standard surface material to the ball

I also brought another light in the scene depending on the environment

Add a metal sphere to see where the source of lights are and the intensity of them

I added a ground plane to catch the shadows by assigning a shadow matte material

Anything white in the alpha channel in the render view is going to be rendered and the shadow matte plane is not rendered.

The primary visibility attribute in the Render Stats allows an object to reflect and refract, but the object itself does not render. To do so, both the visible objects and the hidden objects (the objects for which you wish to show reflection and refraction) must belong to the same layer.


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