Week 2: Project meeting

During this weekly meeting we sort out many aspects about our project:

  • The Animation dynamics: We are going to have specific action for the seagulls, however when they are not doing any specific actions they would still be making some sort of saucing (just like characters in game do)
  • The script and the game should be 5 minutes long
  • Players would play the game as if they were birds: with wings instead of hands and paws instead of legs; these are not going to be animated since the player to move in the scene would use a “teleport” that would bring him or her directly to the next environment.
  • How the models scaling and animation in Maya are adaptable to Unity environment: for animations we are going to have single files where the seagulls are going to do simple actions (e.g. jump, side to side) and after we are going to import them individually in Maya; regarding the scaling, it won’t be a problem if the models are too big since through Unity is going to be easy to adjust them in the right size.
  • We finalised the first version of the script and comment it altogether so we could start the storyboard.
  • I have showed the model of the first seagulls that I have created and they suggested me some changes I could apply such as the wings looking more like a human hand with feathers functioning as fingers since the seagulls are going to grab objects in the story.
  • Tilt Brush: Tilt Brush is a room-scale 3D-painting virtual-reality application which we thought we may use to create our storyboards directly in the VR space – I have also tried it out since one the team member brought along the VR equipment to have an idea on how it works.
  • We also established the next tasks to work on until next meeting:

I am going to be focusing on the storyboard based on the script, doing a research in comedy genre in games according to the project brief, since it might be useful for the overall tone of the VR game. I am also going to make the adjustment and finalise the first seagull model and create the second seagull model as well as some props models also according to the script. After the seagulls models are done I will try to rig them.

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