Week 2: Camera sequencer and ubercam

The Camera Sequencer gives you tools to layout and manage camera shots, then produce rendered movie footage of the animation in your scene. You can start to layout shots in Maya, using different cameras angles and movements and in the camera sequencer window editor chance order of the shots and even export them together using an ubercam which will function as one camera incorporating all the cameras you have worked with so far. The editor resembles the one of After effects or any video editing software from the Adobe suite. Even for large scenes, you can produce movie clips to achieve real-time playback.

In the camera sequencer editor you can create the shots, assign them a camera and decide which frames to include in the shot too.

After I have experimented with the scene provided to us by the teacher, I came up with a very simple idea of representing a crowd marching in the mountains and created some cinematic shots to explore the tool in Maya.

The march

Overall I think that this is a very interesting tool that might come in handy when producing the Previs for our project directly in Maya, especially for visualise the transitions there are going to be between one environment and the next within the narration in the Virtual Reality space.

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