FMP 1: Considerations for my practical work

Ever since I got acquainted with 3D Computer Animation I thought I could apply my interest for art in it and turn it into a career path. Other that animating, especially characters, I also enjoy the pre-production phase of an Animated movie concerning the concepts art regarding the development of a character and its design: I find so fascinating to stylise concepts and features of human being’s emotions and feelings into characters and give them a context into a narration. I do have some modeling, rigging and texturing background, however I think there is always new knowledge to apply to them which is why I want to work in a project that involves them so that I can improve my skills by employ them and put them in practice. I am planning to create an animation short film around a subject and develop a narrative starting from it, including some main character to showcase the idea behind it. My project will include a pre-production a production and post-production phase so to simulate a “professional” pipeline of work.

I suppose I can link my Final Major Project with my Thesis by researching into the topic I am going to explore in the project in order to have a foundation for my animation. Some area I find quite interesting and made me reflect are: Parasocial interactions between the audience and the characters in a movie or a tv series, exploring how the connections with them is created; facial expressions and how is imperative to get them right in an animation in order to convey certain emotions; and how to achieve believable and real behaviour performances in character animation. Another Idea I am planning on to work on for my Final Major Project is to create a short animation on Art and explaining its importance for people (especially for me) involving one specific artist and one of its artworks, where the main character may meet the artist and thank him or her for giving so much inspiration to the world.

I think that for my Final Major Project I will explore the screen and expanded cinema production, however during the duration of the course I might research into interactive installations and augmented reality which are some fields which I find very interesting and full of possibilities but that I know little about, so it could be a chance to experiment with them.

This is a project plan for games which can be adapted for my FMP proposal.

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