Week 1: Expectations of professionalism – What do you think this means? – (and Project thoughts)

Professionalism is not the job you do, it’s how you do the job.

 Professionalism helps you to impress and inspire others, is a really important quality. When thinking of professionalism I firstly link it to workplaces and business environments, however professionalism has many facet and can be applied to smaller occasions especially those linked with group works both in a school environment or other events, not necessarily only work places. When being professional and working with professional people its always easier to develop a more creative environment to work in where the best results can be achieved easily.

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines professionalism as “the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterise or mark a profession or a professional person”; and it defines a profession as “a calling requiring specialised knowledge and often long and intensive academic preparation.”

So, what I am aiming to get out of this collaborative unit project is to strengthen my skills as an animator and modeller and explore the discipline with whom I am going to collaborate with. Some keywords I associate with the term “professionalism” are: Competence, Knowledge, Conscientiousness, Integrity, Respect, Emotional Intelligence, Appropriateness, and Confidence. Within this group of words the one I find that is not always linked to professionalism is “emotional Intelligence” since managing your emotions, and having a clear awareness of other people’s feelings is very important especially if working in a group with other people.

With some of my peers in my course we had a meeting with people from other course and it was so great and interesting to talk to them about their course and their background. We found some people from The MA Virtual Reality course who we can collaborate with since they were given a brief concerning an Immersive Cartoon Adaptation where they have to create and deliver an immersive group media prototype based on an adaptation of a cartoon; they showed us the comic they were thinking to work on which is the False Knees series, where Joshua Barkman depicts birds and other fauna in casual conversation, philosophical quandaries and wonderfully relatable banter. It would be related to the comedic genre and a research on how this genre reflects in the adaptation through the characters, storytelling, content, design, technique and style. I have found it perfect for me, since I am very fond of visual arts (both 2D and 3D) and working with animated characters is my interest. What I can contribute in within this project is the development of the characters the modeling of the characters their rigging and texture and the animation to “incorporate” within the virtual reality environment. I look forward to collaborate for this project since I am sure I will work on something new and maybe this would help me to find new interests and possible fields I could work in the future.

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